Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Monday, June 28, 2010

And finally tonight, Sunday, 25 February 2007

Also from the private entries, Thursday, 15 March 2007

Tonight, the Parsons family is going on a cruise of Maalaea Bay... It's a booze cruise.


From the private entries, Tuesday, 17 April 2007.

hello morning.
you're up and blue.
there are no clouds,
Steve Zissou.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Toy Story 3 is what happens when you project God in 4K.

I think we can all sleep easy knowing that Toy Story 3 is hands down the greatest cinematic achievement Hollywood has given us in a very long time. And I mean achievement not by technological advances or 3-D depth or 7.1 sound, I mean this is by far the best second sequel you could ask for. And it's nostalgia for any of us who spent a decade in the nineties.

Think about it, the Toy Story franchise is a product of the safe pre-9/11 world some of us grew up in. It's a comfort zone, memories of a much better time in America and the world. There weren't any economic downturns or job losses. In fact, everything rose in Clinton's oval office. More importantly, Toy Story paved the way for Pixar to make incredible stories and for DreamWorks to make Shrek flicks.

Enough of that, you get the point that this is MONUMENTAL, this isn't just Shrek Forever After. It's pedigree. We all had high expectations for this one, and they far exceeded every single one I had.

Toy Story 3 starts off in an incredible fusion of the opening to Toy Story and Toy Story 2, and boy if Seth MacFarlane didn't bastardize and leave you with the narrow minded opinion that Randy Newman sounds like a fool, prepare to have a familiar tune tug your heart strings.

Essentially Toy Story 3 is the opening to Up stretched out to feature length, only with toys. And that's what makes Toy Story 3 work. It's a film that plays with our fifteen-year-old romance with these characters and sounds we're all too familiar with. And it goes further than that - it hits you with easter eggs you'd never expect, working as a spiritual sequel in some ways to other (non-Disney, mind you) films, and giving us a nod to the Toy Story universe (Sid!). It's a true sequel. Face it, this is how you wanted Lost to end, this is what you wanted Return of the Jedi to be, and this is how Stephanie Meyer should have written Breaking Dawn. Toy Story 3 is in every way The Empire Strikes Back of Return of the Jedis.

I have seen where some people have written that Toy Story 3 is a sell-out, giving in to Disney and whatnot. No, it's not. Because if that's Pixar selling out - telling a story on level of creativity and emotion Hollywood hasn't come close to in recent years - then hell, they need to do this more often (to be fair though, Cars 2 had me asking, "Really?" and Monsters, Inc. 2 has me wondering just how on Earth are they going to do that). Honestly, I don't know how Pixar's gonna top this one. Whatever they do I'm sure will be pure animated magic, but it's gonna have a hard time topping the emotional bliss and tears I had leaving the theater today.

Monday, June 7, 2010

A television bitchslap.

Yes, that's a Gilmore Girls screencap. Prepare to be internetically flipped off.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


To be honest, this simple closed set she's broadcasting out of really creeps me out.